"The system" is a forever complex structure at the foundation of America dating to the establishment of "white racial superiority and capitalism. This system has taken away the inheritance of many Americans-minorities; cap the income of Americans; while judging Americans by social status.
There is poverty around the world but in America poverty defines a person and is defined by lack of usual social acceptance because of lack of money or material possessions. This materialistic society has resulted in a psychological circumstance which conditions and convinces Americans if they are financially poor that material are enough to be considered something instead of nothing.
In a capitalist country based on borrow and lending; debt has choked the life out of Americans wallets for years. America once placed Blacks as an image of poverty but all poor people are not black and all Black people are not poor. "The system" and its flaws effect the entire country; innocents have died, been abandoned, and live in sufferance.
The system of service provided by and to Americans has been a vital ingredient in success by providing jobs and income. Now Americans are bullied by big companies; who employ hundreds; ask employees to invest in companies; (Americans should instead invest in themselves and one another) companies are allowed access and dictatorship over invested and "saved" money; companies employ placing Americans on a credential evaluation ladder; Americans strive to be "good" employees with potential management qualities; receiving (mostly) hourly pay; working according to rules and regulations built on company policy; but have little job and financial security.
America is suffering a depression resulting in higher consumer prices, wage brackets remain the same , and unemployment rises. "The system" of Americans now ranks 3rd worse in the nations due to poverty with over 46 million in poverty; that number increases by the month; and is estimated that most Americans will experience poverty at least once in a life time.
America has shackled the working class and still stubborn with hiring preferences BUT "the system" of America believes poverty is self-inflicted.