How can a man devalue another?
It is proven in our society that the birth of a an African american child is valued less economically than a white child. Why is color still so big a factor in a "socially evolved society." And who is man-one who didn't create the anatomy not sculpt the physical features of themselves- to place a dollar value on a human being; despite the color, culture, or religion. Lil black children are valued less economically which then causes a series of experiences caused by chain and effect. Devaluement is shed on all avenues of life from sympathy levels to housing, to treatment, to education, to oppurtunity, to employment, to people who believe that their is potential in all of us.
Society continues to place a price on human being even before they have entered the real world and before they had a shot a life; let alone a fair chance African americans are as worthy and as great as anybody else but are down played due to history that was no fault of our own. Are we economically worth less because our ancestors were slaves, or because once freed we were still treated as less than because our genetic make-up left us with a trait that left our skin prodomaintly "black"- the stigma that america gave us-?? What man can consciously label and value another human; as if he can put a value on himself? Black people are just that: PEOPLE; like any other, so who is society- which is defined as a group of people organized ecomically and co-existing in formal, imformal, personal, and impersonal relationships living as indivuals and in associations for various purposes- to put a price on an innocent childs head and to treat an innocent according to the rules laid our by society as if rules of society are not of men; and men didn't make man. Economical status holds no value on man; weather rich or poor and definitely not by color.